Battlefield 6 reveal could be delayed —here's why

Battlefield 6 reveal date leak
(Image credit: DICE)

For months we’ve been hearing that Battlefield 6 will be officially unveiled in early May, but it looks like we might have to wait a little bit longer for our first proper look at the next entry in the popular shooter series. 

According to industry insider Jeff Grubb, the reveal of Battlefield 6 was originally scheduled for early May. He received this information in March of this year and it lines up with tidbits we’ve got from other leakers. However, the situation seems to have changed and now the reveal has been pushed back to later in the month, or potentially even into June. 

The general manager of DICE, the developer of the Battlefield series, had previously told fans to “get ready for our reveal soon,” but it looks like soon is now a little further away than first anticipated. With Jeff Grubb suggesting the reveal might be pushed into June, Battlefield 6’s unveiling could now even be saved for EA’s annual EA Play showcase, which usually takes place around the same time as E3 (June 12 to June 15 this year). 

The exact reason for the delayed reveal is currently unknown, but well-connected leaker Tom Henderson has speculated that it could have something to do with the Chinese rocket incident that happened last week. 

Henderson said that the trailer includes a rocket exploding and showering debris onto soldiers, which would be rather similar to events that could have transpired had the rocket not landed in the Indian Ocean over the weekend.  

This is just a theory, of course, but it makes sense that DICE would want to distance the fictional event of Battlefield 6 from a real-world incident that has already caused plenty of controversy. This wouldn’t be the first time a piece of video game media has been delayed due to a striking similarity to ongoing global events either. 

While we may need to wait a little longer to see the announcement trailer in all its glory, we have already been given a sneak peek thanks to some leaked screenshots. Not to mention a slew of other leaks that have hinted at the games slightly futuristic setting and even the inclusion of a new battle royale mode

Battlefield 6 is due to release later this year and it’s a pretty safe bet it’ll come to PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Another rumor has suggested that the game won’t be coming to last-gen systems, which will mean gamers still playing on PS4 and Xbox One would be left out of the fun.  

To make sure you don’t miss out on the large-scale multiplayer mayhem that only Battlefield can provide, you might need to think about upgrading to a next-gen system. Luckily our PS5 restock and Xbox Series X restock guides will help you score a console before the game’s release this fall.  

Rory Mellon
Entertainment Editor (UK)

Rory is an Entertainment Editor at Tom’s Guide based in the UK. He covers a wide range of topics but with a particular focus on gaming and streaming. When he’s not reviewing the latest games, searching for hidden gems on Netflix, or writing hot takes on new gaming hardware, TV shows and movies, he can be found attending music festivals and getting far too emotionally invested in his favorite football team.