Google Veo — 5 amazing videos made by the new AI video generator

AI created video. POV of biker riding down mountain road
(Image credit: Google)

When Sora was announced by OpenAI in early February, it immediately became the big kid on the block in comparison to other generative AI video tools. 

Now Google has unveiled Veo, a new generative media model that is geared toward creating 1080p high-definition videos. Announced during the Google I/O event, Google claims that Veo can create videos over a minute in length, but did not specify how much longer than a minute. 

Veo is also supposed to be to understand cinematic terms like 'make a timelapse’ or ‘aerial shots of a landscape.’ 

Currently, Veo is only available to select users inside VideoFX. There is a waitlist that curious filmmakers can sign up for if interested in checking out Veo.

In the meantime, Google shared a few videos made by Veo on VideoFX. Read on to see the five we thought were the most interesting and the prompts input into Veo to create them.

Turtle swimming through coral reef

Ai created video. Sea turtle swimming above coral reef

(Image credit: Google)

Between the ability of the Imagen photo generative model and Veo, Google is leaning on realism. This turtle video feels like something out of Planet Earth or any other ocean-based documentary. 

Prompt: A turtle swims through a colorful coral reef, filtered sunlight flickers in the water

Blue air doll dancing like crazy 

AI created video. Blue balloon man dancing in a parking lot

(Image credit: Google)

In comparison, this inflatable blue dude is just silly. The light reflection on the head doesn’t feel quite right and there is a sense of unreality about the parking lot asphalt itself. The camera moves in a slightly nauseating manner. It does show there’s a way to go, but impressive nonetheless.

Prompt: Brightly colored blue air doll, dancing like crazy in a parking lot, sunny day

Rainbow crochet elephant

Ai created video. Rainbow colored crochet elephant walks in the savanna

(Image credit: Google)

Google really seems to like the idea of crocheted elephants as one of the promotional images for the Imagen 3 model was of a crochet elephant as well. Though that one looked more toy-esque than this vibrant rainbow of a mammal. 

The edging of the colors and at the outlines of the colors are what really capture the attention on this one. It feels like one unified piece and not just a crochet pattern slapped on to an elephant shaped hole. 

Prompt: A crochet elephant in vibrant colors walking on the savanna

Road biker POV 

AI created video. POV of biker riding down mountain road

(Image credit: Google)

This was the one that made us pause with the point-of-view images from the cyclist going down a smooth mountain road. The mountains themselves remind me of a mix of the Swiss Alps and early summer Sierra Nevadas in California. 

Prompt: A gliding POV shot of a road biker descending a winding mountain pass, offering breathtaking views

Woman shrouded in smoke 

Ai created video. Woman surrounded by vibrant colored smoke

(Image credit: Google)

This video is impressive for the smoke effects alone. In an era were even video games and movies made by humans still struggle with smoke effects, this video seems to have it down. 

The colors filtering through the smoke are interesting as well. It would be nice if the smoke was thinner to see how Veo handles different levels of opacity, especially with the human face behind it. 

Prompt: A woman, shrouded in smoke of different vibrant colors, warm light bathes her

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Scott Younker
West Coast Reporter

Scott Younker is the West Coast Reporter at Tom’s Guide. He covers all the lastest tech news. He’s been involved in tech since 2011 at various outlets and is on an ongoing hunt to build the easiest to use home media system. When not writing about the latest devices, you are more than welcome to discuss board games or disc golf with him.