Nintendo Switch 2 may have just leaked via major Nvidia breach

Nintendo Switch OLED held between two hands with one of the JoyCons being slid off
(Image credit: Nintendo)

Update: A new Nintendo console has been tipped for 2024 release — could it be the Switch 2?

Since the launch of the Nintendo Switch OLED last October, the constant speculation surrounding the Nintendo Switch 2 has abated. But this period of quiet has proved to be temporary as the rumor mill is once again up and running thanks to a recent Nvidia leak. 

Over the weekend Nvidia suffered a serious data breach. Subsequently, a whole load of information has surfaced online including insights into future Nvidia hardware and employee credentials, but most relevant to Nintendo fans is the reveal of the Nvidia DLSS source code.  

This source code includes reference to something labelled “NVN2.” This codename might seem innocuous at first, but the plot seriously thickens when you consider that the current Nintendo Switch is referred to as “NVN” in the same database. This would certainly suggest that a successor to the Nintendo Switch is in some stage of development. 

Don’t forget, Nvidia has form when it comes to being an unwilling source of premature gaming announcements. Last year a GeForce Now database leak revealed dozens of unannounced games were coming to PC. Many of these have yet to surface, but enough have since been officially revealed to give the leak serious credibility.

Of course, the codename “NVN2” may not actually refer to a Nintendo Switch 2. There is a possibility that the DLSS source code is actually hinting at the release of the long-rumored Nintendo Switch Pro. The Switch Pro would be a new iteration of the standard Nintendo Switch with increased performance and upgraded features, but so far hasn’t materialised beyond online whispers. 

In December 2020, Nintendo of America president, Doug Bowser, said that the Nintendo Switch was at the “midpoint” of its lifecycle, which would suggest that a full successor is still two or three years away. This stance was further reiterated earlier this year. Of course, a Nintendo Switch Pro model would likely be viewed as part of the original Switch family, so could be much closer to release.

Nintendo fans have theorised that a Nintendo Switch Pro could launch alongside The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2, in the same way that the original Switch released alongside the first game. This is just speculation though, and to date there’s been no indication from Nintendo that Link’s next adventure will be playable on new hardware. 

We do at the very least know that Nintendo is working on a “next-gen” device, and this will presumably be the Nintendo Switch 2. To date there has been no timescale put on its release, but this Nvidia leak may hint that it won’t be as long as feared before we’re all gaming on a more powerful Nintendo Switch. 

Rory Mellon
Entertainment Editor (UK)

Rory is an Entertainment Editor at Tom’s Guide based in the UK. He covers a wide range of topics but with a particular focus on gaming and streaming. When he’s not reviewing the latest games, searching for hidden gems on Netflix, or writing hot takes on new gaming hardware, TV shows and movies, he can be found attending music festivals and getting far too emotionally invested in his favorite football team.