This OBD2 car scanner can save you a ton of money on repairs — and it’s 25% off for Prime Day

innova 6100p plugged in with deal tag
(Image credit: Brian Nadel/Tom's Guide)

The Amazon Prime Day deals event this week can help you save money on various gadgets and products. But there’s one deal in particular that may prove to be a very helpful investment — with the potential to save you money on costly car repairs that may arise in the near future.

Right now you can get the Innova 6100P OBD-II scanner for $111 at Amazon. That’s a 25% savings on the diagnostic device, which is able to suggest and predict future repairs at the push of a button. 

Innova 6100p OBD2 Scanner: $149 $111 @ Amazon

Innova 6100p OBD2 Scanner: $149 $111 @ Amazon
More than just a diagnostic tool that reveals the real reason behind that check engine light. This OBD-II scanner can also figure out what repairs you need, how much parts might cost and even what problems could go wrong in the future. That means you could end up saving a lot more than $38.

An OBD-II scanner is a great investment for any drive, because of all the secrets it can uncover. That check engine light could be indicative of a bigger problem, or it could be the result of a loose bit of wiring you can fix yourself. An OBD-II scanner ensures you can figure that out at home, and without having to pay a mechanic.

The Innova 6100P takes that a step further, which is a big part of why it’s one of the best OBD-II scanners. Not only does it function as a diagnostic tool, the 6100P has a bunch of features that would normally be reserved for much more expensive devices. And thanks to a link to Innova’s Repair Solutions 2 app, it can help you understand what parts and repairs are needed at any given time — alongside some suggested prices. 

So with this gadget you'll have a pretty good idea what’s going on, even if you do have to take your car to the mechanic. That should stop cowboy mechanics from fleecing you at every available opportunity.

On top of this, Innova has a predictive failure analysis, which can calculate whether any of your car’s components are likely to fail in the near future. That way you can be aware of potential problems before they become disasters, or at the very least make sure you’re prepared for when they do. And that’s all wrapped up in a light handheld machine that performed admirably in all our testing. That makes this a deal well worth taking advantage of while you still can.

Tom Pritchard
UK Phones Editor

Tom is the Tom's Guide's UK Phones Editor, tackling the latest smartphone news and vocally expressing his opinions about upcoming features or changes. It's long way from his days as editor of Gizmodo UK, when pretty much everything was on the table. He’s usually found trying to squeeze another giant Lego set onto the shelf, draining very large cups of coffee, or complaining about how terrible his Smart TV is.