Trade my Alienware Laptop or Keep it?


Feb 22, 2017
Hello! I'm a junior in High school and I'm getting ready for college soon. I bought a laptop late last year from my old boss who did not need it any longer. I'll post the specs below, but basically what I'm wondering is should I keep it and consider upgrading it or sell it. I bought the laptop used for $400.00, and everything is in amazing condition, except for the battery, which seems to be shot. I the charger as well, but no case or bag. I do game lightly, although I know that it's better to us a pc, and my concern is that even with a new battery the noise, weight, heat, ect. will be outweigh the practicality of the laptop.

Laptop: Alienware M17x10
Edition: Windows 10 Pro
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPUR x 920 @2.00GHz
Installed RAM : 12.0 GB
System type: 64-bit operating system
Graphics: AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5800 series

*No pen or touch
*Battery Shot

If I am missing any important information please let me know! I'm looking for some general advice, I don't know too much about laptops of pcs so I don't know how good or bad this laptop is.
Personally I would sell it as it won't be able to play much games and the noise will bother you a lot. Newer laptops tend to be much quieter in this price range as they don't have a dgpu which won't matter as you only game lightly.