hard reset of galaxy tab 3 directs me back to wifi


Jan 15, 2017
I did a hard reset.and the following are the pages I keep getting: Welcome!,WiFi, date and time, EULA &Diagnostic Data, and then I get the page saying Got Google? On this page it asks: Do you have a Google Account? and If you use Gmail or Google Apps, answer Yes. At the bottom of the page are Yes and No. I've pressed both and always come up to the same place: a second WiFi page. At the bottom you are given to choices: Back and Next. The Next button is not lit but the Back button is. Can't go any further. Thoughts?
Well, you would have to be in an area that has WiFi. So if your WiFi connection is not correct, or not functioning, it would cause that. Before trying it again, and if you have access to it, you may want to reboot your router/modem and once it is fully up and going again, try setting up the tablet.

Well, you would have to be in an area that has WiFi. So if your WiFi connection is not correct, or not functioning, it would cause that. Before trying it again, and if you have access to it, you may want to reboot your router/modem and once it is fully up and going again, try setting up the tablet.
