my htc one m7 is taking too much time to charge

I had the same problem. The battery died soon after. One thing I can tell you is NOT to let it go flat. Keep topping it up to full whenever possible and copy over all of your stuff in the meantime... and start looking for a battery replacement ... you will need to take this to the shop. They are a bastard to replace, as the battery is internal.

Good fone though ... I loved that fone. Worth paying to get a new battery fitted I think.

If you trade up go for the 1plus ... it is better than the 1plus2 for the price.
I had the same problem. The battery died soon after. One thing I can tell you is NOT to let it go flat. Keep topping it up to full whenever possible and copy over all of your stuff in the meantime... and start looking for a battery replacement ... you will need to take this to the shop. They are a bastard to replace, as the battery is internal.

Good fone though ... I loved that fone. Worth paying to get a new battery fitted I think.

If you trade up go for the 1plus ... it is better than the 1plus2 for the price.