reboot and select a proper boot device error win10


Feb 6, 2016
Since i download a (expletive) program, i get alot of errors, my computer was restarting alone, crash without any reason, and yesterday, the computer just crashed and when i restart i got the famous and annoying message
"Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device"....

Things i already do to fix problem:
Put HD first in Bios
Unconnect and connect satas etc

Now i put an ISO in a pen to go to cmd and im trying to list disk and the only disk that i get is the pen.

Cmd doesnt recognize the HDD.
just disk 0 (pendrive) with 7639 mbs

I also tryied to install the windows10 again, but doesnt recognize any hd.

What could that be?
Also the hard drive still spinning, doesnt make any weird sound.

Thank you.
PS: Windows 10 OS, 1tb hdd.
Hard drive may be bad, need full system specs, laptop or desktop? This the only hard drive in the system? Try a different SATA cable. Remove the drive and see if it's seen in another computer with a USB enclosure or dock or as a secondary in a desktop.
Hard drive may be bad, need full system specs, laptop or desktop? This the only hard drive in the system? Try a different SATA cable. Remove the drive and see if it's seen in another computer with a USB enclosure or dock or as a secondary in a desktop.