10 Reasons Android Beats the iPhone

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Dec 31, 2007
Actually the both suck. Give me a clamshell with real keys that won't start an app, dial a number, or otherwise screw things up unlike any touchscreen phone out there.


Jul 2, 2015
Also ios and apple devices is selfish and doesn't support multitasking operations , its only for entertainments and kids usage , people whos have limited thinking and non professional of using smart phones they going to use apple products , viva android and viva google and big thanks for samsung and thier technologies.

Vlad Rose

Apr 7, 2014
Since I had commented on the article about why the iPhone is 'better' than android, basically explaining why it's not, I guess I should mention here some of Apple's strengths over Android.

1.) One Eco system. If you buy strictly Apple products, the hardware will work among each other without issue.

2.) Lack of variety. While a weakness in some respects, the fact that there are a limited number of different iPhones out there means there are less of a chance for bugs in Apps. This also means apps can be optimized on iPhone. This makes it a strength.

3.) The Gucci factor: Most Apple fans buy their products not because of the hardware, but because of it's appearance and 'prestige' that comes with it. My wife is definitely guilty of this one as she bought an iPhone because "All her rich friends have one" and "it's better looking than an Android phone".

4.) If you 'must' have an iWatch, the iPhone is the only game in town to use it. I personally wouldn't call it a strength though; since the iWatch is not impressive at all.


Jul 9, 2015
while apple thinks its easy and intuitive - for 505 of us its not . ( yeah just try to print out a page ? is they a printer icon ? )


Sep 26, 2015
11. 4 covers 100 reasons, but one is spare battery
12. Stulys on Note series with 256 3D levels
13. Super AMOLED black screen for night mode
14. Better Cross platform support (no need for only Apple h/w)
15. Better Google ecosystem integration upscale (desktop, chomebook…)
16. 360° videos
17. Share experience with 80% vs 10% friends/world
Sorry, no time for more...


Apr 4, 2015

Sorry, that's not a problem for majority - it's advantage as the OS works on any configuration, not just Apple.
My ISP provided a modem with android based simple phone. It doesn't need latest OS or fancy features, nor regular updates for it's basic functions.

My G. Note 4 has all the features you can think of. A smart business doesn't update to the latest sw unconditionally until is fully tested.
Android is Open collaboration platform (with all the potential issues that open collaboration can bring).
Apple is a simplified limited platform with LIMITED features/connectivity/scalability.
If you are happy with that - your choice.
My choice is creativity & opportunity. If sometimes doesn't perform to the expectations is OK if it can do what I need, not what Apple (cult) wants.


Sep 13, 2016
I tried using Iphone 6s for a while buying into the idea that IOS provides more stable, matured apps. I really tried hard to like Ios and Iphone but after using it for 3 months had to give up. I hated the lack of back button which makes you do extra taps , the way notification centre is organised - like an afterthought not like a properly designed system from the ground up, the lack of universal sharing as described here, lack of access to file system, and app development. Let me expand on the last part. I found the claim that Ios apps are more developed and stable on IOS very false. I've noticed that netflix, spotify and all google apps are behind in development vs Android. That statement about "stability" might have been true for Android 3.0 but starting from Android 5.0 lollipop, Android has matured a lot, is very stable and looks fantastic as well.
I found the whole Apple-IoS ecosystem nothing but a bloated marketing idea. I worked in sales for the most part of my career and I've never felt so cheated in my life. I felt like someone advertised me this amazing product that is very expensive : "You pay a price but brother you get fantastic quality " Even the built quality so highly praised was not quite what it was advertised. My Iphone 6s unit had an issue with the home button. It felt very cluncky, hard to press and it made a distinctive click noise. It felt like clearly a mishap from the factory, plus what everybody already knows: easy scratchable , very frail if u drop it , etc.
After 3 months I couldn't get rid of Iphone 6s fast enough. I went back to my 1 year old and far superior Xperia Z3 and sighed in relief. No thank you, Apple.


Sep 13, 2016
EDIT: forgot to add that after just a few months of use while it was always covered with 9H protective film my unit developed 3 scoffs/ marks although it was always kept in my inner coat pocket and was never dropped.
Aluminium 7000 much more durable right? Wrong.
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