Recommended email sync setup between Windows and Android?


Apr 20, 2012
Does anyone have experience syncing email between Windows and Android?

My goal is to have email synced between Mozilla Thunderbird on all my PC's and on my Android phone (running 4.4.4). I want all emails to be kept until I delete them, regardless of age. If I delete or read an email on any device, I want it to be updated accordingly on all other devices.

I have configured my IMAP email account on all my devices, but I am having a problem that emails are being deleted from all devices after 1 week. After re-checking the settings on all my mail clients, the problem appears to be that the Android mail client only syncs 1 week of email and doesn't have any setting I can find to override that sync period.

Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there perhaps another Android mail client that will allow IMAP mail syncing for an unlimited number of days? Is there a better recommendation for keeping email in sync between all devices without losing older messages? I had previously been using POP3 on all devices, but that became too great a hassle to manage the same messages independently in each device's mail client.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you!



Aug 7, 2014
Gmail is da best for it. It uses IMAP and it syncs emails on ALL devices live. On the other hand settings are a bit difficult but you can find on google. Also it doesnt delete any emails or anything. Even if the email is 3 years old and unwriten it will keep it. Also you can always check your space left. It comes with an available space of 15 GB!!