Some shows ALWAYS start early or end late?



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Ever notice that some shows are always truncated at the beginning or the
end? You can, of course, set TIVO to record minutes before or after the
show, but then it will refuse to record any show in the time block occupied
by those extra minutes.

I am trying to record back-to-back Simpsons reruns, and they start 30
seconds to a minute before Tivo starts recording (Tivo brand series 2).

If I tell Tivo to start recording Simpsons episodes 1 minute early, it won't
record the first episode because the second episode is going to start one
minute before the first episode is supposed to end.

The software should be intelligent enough that you can have it record shows
anyway even if another recording overlaps and cuts part of the show off.

What I've done is set it to record by time and started the hour-long time
recording five minutes early...


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Adam Corolla wrote:
> Ever notice that some shows are always truncated at the beginning or the
> end? You can, of course, set TIVO to record minutes before or after the
> show, but then it will refuse to record any show in the time block occupied
> by those extra minutes.
> I am trying to record back-to-back Simpsons reruns, and they start 30
> seconds to a minute before Tivo starts recording (Tivo brand series 2).
> If I tell Tivo to start recording Simpsons episodes 1 minute early, it won't
> record the first episode because the second episode is going to start one
> minute before the first episode is supposed to end.
> The software should be intelligent enough that you can have it record shows
> anyway even if another recording overlaps and cuts part of the show off.
> What I've done is set it to record by time and started the hour-long time
> recording five minutes early...

Well, we've been over this ground numerous times. But I did notice that
the scheduling sometimes takes care of this. The Simpsons finale
episodes were 2 back to back half-hours, but the schedule recorded it as
a single 1 hr show.

Randy S.


Feb 13, 2001
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"Adam Corolla" <> wrote in

> If I tell Tivo to start recording Simpsons episodes 1 minute early, it
> won't record the first episode because the second episode is going to
> start one minute before the first episode is supposed to end.

Untrue. If you tell it to record the SP one minute early, then yes. If
you go in and change the options for one specific showing in the ToDo list,
then no.

> The software should be intelligent enough that you can have it record
> shows anyway even if another recording overlaps and cuts part of the
> show off.

Wow! You're the first one EVER to think of that!

> What I've done is set it to record by time and started the hour-long
> time recording five minutes early...

Seems more difficult than changing the options in the ToDo list, but there
are different methods that work for different people.

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I speak for no one but myself, and |Caffeine will be assimilated.
no one else speaks for me. O- | Decaf is futile.


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Tivo does many things very well. Compensating for stupid TV broadcasters
isn't one of them. Complain to the station broadcasting the programs and to
the network.

Yes, doing some sort of 'smart padding' for back-to-back recordings when on
the same channel would be a nice feature. But consider that while this
would let you manually watch them back-to-back it wouldn't solve the problem
for saving the programs to VCR or deleting them to manage space for fresh
recordings. The program start/end would still be 'in' the wrong recording.

I shudder to think what a programming/UI nightmare it would be to provide a
'move' function to shift the few seconds of programming from one recording
to another.

In short, by the time the programmers worked out the hoops it'd need to jump
through to make this work it'd be easier to slap the broadcasters around for
what's fundamentally THEIR mistakes.

Still, it's irritating to miss those first few seconds of Bart's writing on
the chalkboard.

> Ever notice that some shows are always truncated at the beginning or the
> end? You can, of course, set TIVO to record minutes before or after the
> show, but then it will refuse to record any show in the time block
> by those extra minutes.
> I am trying to record back-to-back Simpsons reruns, and they start 30
> seconds to a minute before Tivo starts recording (Tivo brand series 2).
> If I tell Tivo to start recording Simpsons episodes 1 minute early, it
> record the first episode because the second episode is going to start one
> minute before the first episode is supposed to end.
> The software should be intelligent enough that you can have it record
> anyway even if another recording overlaps and cuts part of the show off.
> What I've done is set it to record by time and started the hour-long time
> recording five minutes early...