suspicious login attempt


May 21, 2013
so google sent me the email that ip addresses in turkey and russia tried to hack my email. i was wondering if i can use a program to attempt to hack them back? also, wondering if this is legal and what is the lkely hood that i will actually be attacking the culprit and not some one else or something?
Also, can I do this anonymously with a shell program or something?


Even if you could, and if it were legal (which it isn't)...they are many, you are one.
And whatever info you get (IP address or whatever), it is almost certainly not the actual person at the keyboard.

They didn't try to hack *you* was just a random address they tried. If you make moves back at them, you are now on their radar.
They will try more and more invasive things until they succeed. And then you really are screwed.

Why would they do this? Just because.

Change your passwords and move on.