$500 laptop/netbook help!


Oct 1, 2012
I have:
amd anthlon 64 X2 3800+
geforce 6150se nforce 430
2gb ram-Windows 7

It is now around 6 years old and does almost everything I want it to do. :heink:

I bought an Archos 9 PC with Intel gma 500/atom processor and was never updated/fixed.(plus the PC it sucked and was slow)
Now I don't want any Intel CPU/video because I had a really bad experience with them in the past.

So is the Samsung NP305 range PCs/netbooks better than my current desktop PC?

All the Models here:

Some specs(cheapest model):
CPU Model: A6-3420M with Radeon™ HD 6520G
CPU Line: AMD Quad-Core A6-Series APU for Notebooks
GPU Model: AMD Radeon HD 6520G
Hard Drive size: 500GB
Memory Amount: 4GB

Will this run let's say DMC4,Sniper Ghost Warrior, and some new online MMOs.I have a PS3,so I will most likely use that for most if not all games.

Is their something better I should get?
Under $500.
I want an AMD Processor CPU/APU and I would perfer a Samsung PC,if not find any other good brand.
If possible a fan less and no DVD-drive PC. Good battery if possible.
A rectangular shape if possible.Not too huge/fat.
I will also have this laptop for a couple of years.


Oct 1, 2012
Any help?
According to PassMark
My current Desktop CPU has a score of 940.(I could play any game,except some newer ones)
I will most likely only play mmos or Visual Novels.So not too demanding.
Archos 9 has 194 :((which is really really bad)

AMD A8-4500M APU has 2,703
AMD A6-3430MX APU has 2,188