Can I beat the Lenova Y580 Ideapad?


Sep 1, 2012
Hello, I have been on and off looking for the past 6 months or so on a replacement for my HP Pavillion G7 17" laptop because since I have purchased it I have transitioned more into needing a more powerful laptop suitable for gaming and video editing, over the past 6 months that I have been looking I have fell in love with the HP Envy 15/17 and Dell XPS 15 but I found most of them to be more expensive than my budget which I would like to keep under 1000$. I watched a review on this Ideapad and it seems like a pretty good alternative to the more expensive brands of HP and Dell but obviously because I have been searching for several months I want to make this buy correct. I am looking to keep this laptop for at least 2-3 years and I need it to be able to run programs like Sony Vegas smoothly and efficiently.

I found this laptop listed on for 888. Do you guys think I should make the buy or can I still beat this with perhaps a newer model from Lenova or other brands under 1K. Thank you.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.dmQ&fp=e2f2f246916d4419&biw=1024&bih=672
Stay away from the xps 15 because of poor wifi and chronic overheating.

y580 is a good laptop and hard to beat on price. Its about $950 with full hd, 660m, 3630m and 8 gb ram. Note: get the 1080p screen, its a little more but a huge difference on your eyes.


Jan 15, 2012
Stay away from the xps 15 because of poor wifi and chronic overheating.

y580 is a good laptop and hard to beat on price. Its about $950 with full hd, 660m, 3630m and 8 gb ram. Note: get the 1080p screen, its a little more but a huge difference on your eyes.
The Y580 is pretty good for playing games considering that the standard resolution is only 1366x768 and it has a nVidia GT 660m which is a pretty powerful graphics card.

I have the older and smaller 14" Y470 with a 1366x768 screen. I find that gaming on that resolution is pretty acceptable, but for general use like surfing and reading it is a bit low. I prefer to be able to see more on screen at once. My next laptop will definitely have a higher resolution. 1920x1080 is a strong possibility and it will likely be a non gaming laptop as well.


Sep 1, 2012
Thank you all for your input! Having several months to think about it, I have decided that the Y580 is probably my best bet which hopefully I will be able to use for the next few years. I appreciate with the help of validating this decision.