Yet Another Gaming Laptop Suggestion Request


Oct 30, 2012
Hello all!

I'm in the market for a new gaming laptop, and, while I can't say that money is "no object", I'd rather just hear the best options, and then I can add in some extra weights based on costs, etc? So, if there is a particularly awesome laptop, but it would be ~$3,000, please still note it?

I've read a lot of articles about the "best gaming laptops of 2012" and the Alienware M17x R4 sounds very good, but I'm not sure it would be perfect?

My dream list would be:

15" -- this would be perfect. I have a Sager now that's 15.4" and it's really nice to have something that isn't so super huge.
1920x1080 display -- I like having space and higher pixel density is nice.

I guess there's not a lot there... Most things seem rather straight forward. A very good graphics chip is probably the #1 priority, as my current laptop has a 540m and, while I thought it would be great, is... not so awesome a lot of the time.

Also, cooling. My current laptop gets very hot, and I don't know if it's possible, but a build that would allow me to sit it upon my lap would be... well, pretty nice? If that's just not really possible, due to the way these devices are constructed, I'm okay with that.

So, yes. Please give me thoughts on any device that would fit these rather open criteria (or ask questions so I can be more specific)

Ah, I suppose I can also add, I'd really like to play, at least, Final Fantasy XIV with high/ultra graphics settings and get a decent framerate.

Thank you very much all!


Oct 30, 2012

Right now Final Fantasy XI, Diablo 3, and maybe Starcraft II. Later, at least Final Fantasy XIV and possibly Guild Wars II? I think most will tend to be multiplayer online games for now, but I want the flexibility to play FPSes and such as well.

Yeah, I felt like Alienware wasn't the best way to go, but, I don't feel confident knowing which ones are best yet.

I've seen the MSI GT70 come up a few times, so it's unsurprising. I wonder if there is anything of this caliber but with a slightly smaller form factor? (ie: the elusive 15.4" gaming laptop)


Oct 30, 2012

I was looking some more and there's the MSI GT70 0NE with a GTX 680M chip in it (vs the GTX 675M in the 0ND) A quick look on seems t suggest there is a significant performance increase going from the GTX 675M to GTX 680M, but the reviews (at least on 'normal review sites') are saying there are better choices. (Of course they then go on to say a better choice is an Alienware system, so...)

Thank you again for the input!


Jun 29, 2011

Interesting I usually find alienware is pretty comperable after about $2250. Granted anything above that seems high to me for a laptop. Since the price to performance ratio is complete crap after a gtx 680m.

I like MSI's gt70

My suggestions
MSI gt60 with a gtx680M gpu $1.9k

MSI gt60 with a 675M 1.5k

gt70 with 675M 1353

SO pros and cons.

+ I like my msi machine I have the gt70 202
+ relatively cheap
+ 2 yr Manufacturer warranty
+ 1 yr accidental with registration
+ i7
+ more ram then you need
+ bottom left windows key missing

- looks more traditional? ie not alienware look
- other then manufacturers, credit cards, and square trade no extended warranty
- windows 8 (its not that expensive to upgrade to 7)
-no ssds in 15" modles


Jun 29, 2011


"The power consumption of the GeForce GTX 680M should be similar to the GTX 580M" Also from the same source

"The power consumption of the GeForce GTX 675M should be the same as of the old GTX 580M"

"The power consumption of the GeForce GTX 675M should be slightly below the GTX 680M but still "

Yes I will give you that the 675MX uses less power but not by that much. Also where are you getting the 80% performance, where???? Most websites have about a 15% fps increase for the mx at best most were around 2-5% but on some of the games the 675M out performs the mx.

The 675M is not a bad card and although it may not be the best it is still a good "budget" choice.