HP 2000 Notebook PC


Oct 8, 2012
My HP 2000 Notbook PC started beeping earlier tonight - it's 8:40 PM on Monday October 8, 2012...

I've had this computer for about (+/-) 1 year...

I have a cooling try under it, and plugged in on the left side USB port...

And I use a Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3500 instead of the TouchPad...

And I have my HP printer plugged in the USB port on the right side, and the mouse transmitter in the other (right side) USB port...

I rebooted, to no avail, and unplugged the power supply to no avail. And I also removed the battery, to no avail - it still beeped...

And lastly, I shut the computer off, let it sit for about 8 - 10 minutes, turned it back on and it's working fine

Everything is working fine, no other abnormal sounds were heard, and no abnormal behaviors were observed...

It's 8:51 PM and the beeping has stopped, and the computer is still (as before) working just fine...

I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit, 4GB RAM, and the hard-drive is a Hitachi...

I've never in the time I've had this laptop (as stated above) had any problems with it...

So what could have (or might have) been the cause of this? Should I have it checked out by a HP authorized repair shop?

While I'm ok with working on desktops, laptops I won't touch since I don't have the experience with them...

From viewing the Forums, I see I'm not the only person with this problem...

Thanks...Kuya Danny



Jul 28, 2012
I would ignore it unless it happens again, or you get error messages. you can run a Memtest that would take all night but that would rule out any memory tests, under the search bar type Windows Memory Diagnostic. Run it, when the computer boots change the test settings to extended, and 4 passes.

Also the beeping did it sound like a windows sound, or like a hardware beep, did it come from your speakers, or from inside the laptop? That will make a difference where this will go. But from the sound of things if you shutdown the computer it stops, does the beeping come back? It could have been a fluke, a button got stuck or something letting it sit with out any power may have fixed it.

I'd advise against taking it to a shop right now, that gets very expensive and the problem could be anything, from bad memory, hard drive errors, all which are easily fixable by you. Or it just could have happened once.