Solved! OC'ing a netbook?!


Jun 11, 2011
Does anybody actually realize how easy this actually is? I got my Asus Eee pc 1005hab up from 1.6 to 2.15 on internal fan and laptop cooler. It never goes above 60C at load. Also, I got my graphics up to 400Mhz.

Has anybody else tried this? I wanna hear your stories.
Well, then you are one of the luck one that has a mobo supported by SetFSB, I wish my laptop is supported, but it wasn't supported anymore after the model made the switch from c2d to 1st gen core i and I am too chicken to do a bios mod. I am not sure if MSI Afterburner will support the GMA though cause it is not a dedicated card, but I use MSI Afterburner. oc stable with 17% gain in core and memory.


Well, then you are one of the luck one that has a mobo supported by SetFSB, I wish my laptop is supported, but it wasn't supported anymore after the model made the switch from c2d to 1st gen core i and I am too chicken to do a bios mod. I am not sure if MSI Afterburner will support the GMA though cause it is not a dedicated card, but I use MSI Afterburner. oc stable with 17% gain in core and memory.