Buying a laptop please help.


Aug 27, 2011
Hey guys I'm a newbie here and I want to buy a gaming laptop but my budjets not that big 900 max so really what I'm looking for is a computer that could run games off steam without lag. I also want a comp with a good Internet connection because my desktops Internet connection is worse then crap and it's driving me crazy. So really I'm not looking for anything super fancy just something that's able to play games with no lag ( some games I like playing are oblivion and team fortress two). Oh and I also live in Australia. So yeah can u help me ?

Hello and welcome to the forums
First of all,don't expect to find a gaming laptop within your price range.(The best notebooks you can find are powered with GT 555M or something like that)
Also,Internet connection depends on your ISP,so buying a new notebook won't improve the internet speed(Compared to your desktop)


He is in Australia and there is no way toaster_76 can get USA price. Laptop with nvidia graphics are really expensive (price inflated for some unknown reason), can only get GT520 for that price range.

Checked with Cloveo dealer and GT555 laptop cost $1200+

So I recommend amd:
Pavilion DV4-3029TX
Pavilion DV4-3030TX
The best you can get is probably a laptop with a nVidia GT 520MX. The GT 520MX has slightly higher clockspeeds than the GT 520M. However, the GT 520MX is still considered a budget gaming card which means you need to play games with low settings in demanding games like Crysis and Metro 2033. You should probably get around 18 - 24 frames per second in a laptop with a Core i5-2410M CPU.

Not familiar with online stores in Australia, but the following are two examples of Asus laptops in your price range:

Asus K53SC-SX123X

Asus K53SJ-SX078X


Aug 27, 2011
thanks my cousion is selling his asus and im gonna get that ($150) but thanks for the ideas (the asus is pretty crappy but im gonna save so i can get something better)

the internet is crap because my current desktop is a 6 year old acer (and is badly in need of an upgrade) and using an adapter and ive got windows and the router its connected to is a mac. the internet is actually great on my dads mac.