Solved! Fixing a Stuck Pixel On a Laptop?


Aug 3, 2009
Hello, all.

I just got a Dell XPS 17 in yesterday. So far, a really epic laptop... minus the stuck pixel. Just up and to the right of the center of the screen, there is a pixel that is always a darkish blue... not noticeable unless viewed on a dark background, but still annoying nonetheless.

Anyway, the event constraining when I ordered this laptop is an upcoming vacation (so that I can use it on the vacation), so I would really like to avoid sending it back for a replacement. Not only this, but I don't think that it is enough of an annoyance to go to all the hassle of sending it back, just to have a chance of getting a replacement that has even more stuck pixels.

So anyway, I would like to find a solution to this... So far I have run across a couple potential solutions:
1. Download a program/video that will switch colors rapidly on the part of the screen with the problem (I let UDPixel run all last night, but the pixel was still stuck this morning. This morning I downloaded a video somebody said worked for them, and started it, but am not going to be home for another few hours to see how it turned out so far).
2. Push on the screen with a finger, or a pen (wrapped in a microfiber cloth or something) to try to get it unstuck.

Are there any other solutions? Also, as for the first one mentioned, I saw one program called "JScreenFix" that makes the following claim: "The JScreenFix pixel fixing algorithm can repair 80% of stuck pixels within 20 minutes." So is there some sequence of color changing, or speed of changing, that is most effective with clearing up stuck pixels? If so, are there any free programs that have the same success rate?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Yes, this is a duplicate thread of the one in the Flat Panel forum... I decided to put another here since it would apply to laptops as well... not sure which it would apply to more.
Yea warrentees generally allow for some dead/stuck pixels. They normally state a number, some times include location and proximity. Like a total say 10 randomly on screen or 5 within a square inch (Just Nrs out of the air). Center dead more relavent than outter - Need to look at the warrenty closely. Yes it sound more like a stuck pixel which is often caused by the x/y cell being permantly on.

As to fix, software fix, I'd give that about a 10% chance of a fix, finger test worth a try (still Low probabilty) - Just DON'T press to hard. If it is there when in bios - Not a GPU driver problem.


umm, i'm not sure what myths you've heard about LCD monitors, and I don't know which of them are true, but
dead pixels can be caused by faulty wiring/gpu just as well as the lcd itself.

in the past I've had overheating issues with my GPU I would see a lot of random green pixels when computer was showing something dark/black screen. And it went away after I asked for a GPU replacement since it was still on warranty.

So if it doesn't go away after these "unstuck" procedures. I'd seriously consider calling up tech support and talking to them since this is a brand new laptop.


Aug 3, 2009

Yea, it's not a "dead" pixel, because it is stuck in the on position (always glowing blue), so not sure that it would apply to the party about faulty wiring.

Also, I am not so sure these are "myths," as I have had stuck pixels disappear after a while of usage, I had just never looked into any solutions to fix them.

For the overheating issue you referred to, I don't believe that it would be this, as it is running at decent temps.


Oct 4, 2006
It may or may not be replaced under warranty, depending on how it's worded. Most manufacturers have a certain number of bad pixels they allow without considering the display bad, usually around 8-10 pixels.

*EDIT* GeekApproved beat me to what I was basically saying.



Feb 22, 2007
Yea warrentees generally allow for some dead/stuck pixels. They normally state a number, some times include location and proximity. Like a total say 10 randomly on screen or 5 within a square inch (Just Nrs out of the air). Center dead more relavent than outter - Need to look at the warrenty closely. Yes it sound more like a stuck pixel which is often caused by the x/y cell being permantly on.

As to fix, software fix, I'd give that about a 10% chance of a fix, finger test worth a try (still Low probabilty) - Just DON'T press to hard. If it is there when in bios - Not a GPU driver problem.


Aug 3, 2009
Thank you for the replies, all!

Yea, I was just talking to my dad on the way home from work and he said he looked up Dell's policy and it was like 5.... so as GeekApproved so aptly worded it, it looks like I'm "stuck" ;)

Anyway, gonna check the BIOS screen for that right now... Also, after having run that picture for the whole day, it still appears....


Aug 3, 2009
Yea, it's really not that noticeable unless it is on a black background, so not a huge issue.

As for checking in the BIOS for it, it's a grey background, so I couldn't find it :) I could see it at the post, though... (that's what the screen where it shows the hardware manufacturer and says something like "Press X to Open Setup", right?)

Anyway, if it gets fixed somehow, I'll be happy, if not, I'll live.


Jul 14, 2006
The only way to fix an always on pixel is by exercising that part of the screen by rapidly cycling the colours. There are programs available that do this but success can be hit and miss and they can even make the situation worse. One always on pixel would probably not be covered by warranty as you normally have to have three or four stuck pixels to qualify depending on the manufacturer.