Solved! HP DV9700 charger


Apr 19, 2011
My first charger lasted for almost 2 years, but in the last year I've gone through 2 more new chargers and one old charger I was given from my friend's old compaq. If alligned perfectly in the hole my current charger will charge up the HP DV 9700 but if it is nudged a teeny bit then it will stop working. I'll have to then spend 20 minutes twisting and turning the charger in the hole until I find the perfect allignment of the charger into the lap top. I don't know if the problem is the lap top itself going through chargers or the chargers being terrible quality. I'm on my 5th charger since purchasing the HP DV9700 in June of 2008 (3rd charger purchasing seperately) and not willing to pay another $80 on an HP charger. Does anyone know what the problem is?

It also turns of randomly if I'm watching a movie. Anyone else have this problem?

Could that many chargers be wrong? It's more likely that the power jack into which they plug is at fault and twisting and turning the plug won't make it any better. They are replaceable but you may need to get a few prices before deciding if it's an economical repair. The jack itself costs few pounds or dollars but the time and trouble taken to get at the original, melt the solder to remove it without harming anything else and fitting a new one is quite labour intensive.

Could that many chargers be wrong? It's more likely that the power jack into which they plug is at fault and twisting and turning the plug won't make it any better. They are replaceable but you may need to get a few prices before deciding if it's an economical repair. The jack itself costs few pounds or dollars but the time and trouble taken to get at the original, melt the solder to remove it without harming anything else and fitting a new one is quite labour intensive.
