Is it worth getting a sound card when i have an amp



I have recently bought a second hand Denon 5.1 surround sound system and currently use

run my PC off it, I'm toying with the idea of getting a decent set of head phones (£60 ish mark)

for music and gaming use (From what I've read gaming headsets should be left alone). Is

It worth me getting a decent ish sound card as well or would the amp be enough? I'm not a

massive geek on the sound side of things but wouldn't mind a decent set up. also I have an

old pair of Senhiser HD500 given to me that i've been toying around with running right off my

PC, it does make things a bit better in terms of gaming and music wise they're ok, but at the moment

they're just running right of my PC as i don't have an adaptor for them to work through the amp yet.

any advise would be most welcome.


Jul 15, 2012

Just adding to what americanaudio said...

I would suggest getting one just for the digital audio outs but only if you don't have them already. If you do need one just get a decent one since your receiver will do most of the work anyway it just needs the signal.