Best OS for EEE PC 900?


Nov 23, 2009
Hey folks, it looks like I'm going to be picking up an Asus EEE PC 900 (XP version with 12GB SDD) on the cheap, and although XP is pretty good on this model I'd like to explore and see if there's anything better- or even more fun- to use on it.

Ubuntu would be fun but as it's intended for a desktop and it's system requirements aren't too much in favour of an EEE PC 900, I might skip, but if eeeUbuntu is any good I'd try that. Xandros has a basic charm that just works, but where could I pick that up from if I wanted it (with drivers and all)? Also, Moblin looks fun, but is it any good on this system?

Any advice/opinions would be very much appreciated.


Nov 23, 2009
That Jolicloud looks pretty cool, I might give that a try. Looked at the techradar list but there wasn't much that blew me a way really.

I'm actually finding that the XP Home I have on it works really well. I've done a little visual customisation and it's pretty awesome.

Anyone else got anything to recommend?