Cable tv digital adapter REQUIRED???

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Jan 29, 2010
My friend, who has 2 brand new HDTVs, has informed me that she needs digital adapter boxes for each one to receive cable channels. I disagree. She has a contract with Comcast. What's the deal? This flies in the face of all the hoopla last year.
I am in LindyLoo's situation but with WOW cable in Ohio. They are also providing 2 free adapters but I am not happy that they are creating a situation where I am forced to rent additional adapters, and screw around with yet another remote.

Are these adapters the same devise the feds were helping consumers purchase a couple years ago?

Can I buy these adapters from a source other than my provider or am I locked in with these jerks and stuck using their equipment?

The only reason she should need the digital adapter boxes is if she does not have the usual set top boxes from Comcast. The RF (Coaxial) connection on most (if not all) HDTVs is not a digital tuner. Comcast should provide her with two of the digital adapter boxes free of charge.

-Wolf sends

nolonger wowwed

Mar 3, 2011
I am in LindyLoo's situation but with WOW cable in Ohio. They are also providing 2 free adapters but I am not happy that they are creating a situation where I am forced to rent additional adapters, and screw around with yet another remote.

Are these adapters the same devise the feds were helping consumers purchase a couple years ago?

Can I buy these adapters from a source other than my provider or am I locked in with these jerks and stuck using their equipment?

No, these are not the same devices the feds helped consumers purchase. Those where strictly for Over-The-Air (OTA) digital transmissions. The devices you receive from your cable company are tuned for and activated by your cable company. While you *may* be able to purchase a digital adapter, it's entirely up to your cable company to decide whether or not to activate it. If they decide they won't activate it, you just bought a new paper weight.

If you need more than the two digital adapters that your cable company provides, I'd probably start a dialog with the cable company. Let them know you are unhappy with the need to rent additional adapters and would like to instead purchase one (or more). They may work with you, they may not.

-Wolf sends


Jan 29, 2010

Sorry, Wolf, I meant to select your answer as best. (It was unclear exactly whether the "best answer" click referred to the answer above or below it.) Thank you for your help. It allowed me to decide to purchase my own equipment and stream thru my computer, sidestepping the monthly charges and extra equipment required by the cable company. Our house is hardwired.
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