Looking for a good gaming notebook under $2000 - Help?


May 28, 2007
Hey, so far I've looked at the alienware m5550 and the Dell Inspiron E1705. I've read review for both and they both seem a little shaky. I'm looking for a good gaming notebook, as well as good mobility (battery life especially), overall performance, and gaming ability.

(If this is in the wrong forum, please tell me.)
You are in the right place. You answered the first question about price. Another thing to consider is what screen size you want to play on. You can find decent packages in the 15.4'' category. (check out Asus) Another thing to consider is whether or not you can find that balance between mobility and performance. The better the hardware, the heavy the laptop will most likely be.

Avoid Alienware. They specialize in overpriced crap.
Dell makes decent laptops, but you have to be willing to deal with the shaky support.
Gateway offers their NX680 line which is basically the same as the E1705, but Gateway has been getting better support numbers lately than Dell.