My 6 month old Blu-ray drive won't play Blu-rays without paying more money.


Aug 19, 2012

I purchased a Samsung mid-priced Blu-ray drive from NewEgg about 6 months ago (it was new). It came with PowereDVD 9 in the box and all has been fine, though it's been a few months since I've popped in a brand new Blu-ray. I purchased a Blu-ray copy of Prometheus yesterday, got home, popped the disc into my drive, and was met with an update window for PowerDVD 9. Well, apparently there are NO MORE updates for this software, and if I want to "watch most Blu-rays made past 2011" (as PowerDVD put it), I will need to fork over another $80.

From my understanding, I NEED this software to play movies. How is this legal, to charge me for a blu-ray player and then charge me months down the road for an update to play newer movies? Is their any alternative? The only way I've been able to watch movies is with PowerDVD 9.