Recent Nvidia driver update problem


Jul 16, 2010
I updated my drivers today to the most current version for gtx 460 on Windows 7. Doing this has caused any game I play that uses a resolution not at the same ratio as my monitor (My monitor's resolution ratio is 16:9) to maintain this ration with black bars on the side as filler. Prior to installing this driver, it would my game to fit my screen's resolution. Does anyone know of a fix for this for games that don't have an option to adjust the resolution?

Update: Along with the problem explained above, I've had two separate games crash after running them for at least 30 minutes each. Have rolled back drivers to previous update. Doing so has abolished the original problem in my post, and I'll see if it hopefully removed any crashing problems with other games as well.


Mar 22, 2010
Chances are the recent driver update may be causing your games to bug out. It happens, and it's very common, people use updates from over a year ago because they are the most stable. In your case, if you're having resolution issues, run the application you're playing, and goto it's options and set the resolution there. If there's a slider to set resolution, use that, and if there is an option to set aspect ratio, try changing that too.