Milkdrop at 1080p on new HTPC build?


Aug 21, 2009
I'm working on my first HTPC build. I plan on throwing Windows 7 Ultimate on there.

The most intense activity I plan on making this machine do is run the Milkdrop visualizer plugin for winamp at 1080p (the HTPC will be hooked up directly to HDTV via HDMI) or watch 1080p videos. Never both at the same time.

My tentative build specs are: gigabyte mobo with amd 785g chipset and onboard Radeon 4200HD and onboard realtek audio, 2x1gb g Skill DDR2 800, AMD athlon II X2 240 2.8 ghz.

Do you think this will have enough juice to run milkdrop at 1080p and play 1080p movies? your thoughts are GREATLY appreciated. thanks


Apr 14, 2002
I run OtsAV DJ which uses Milkdrop through a Winamp plug in.

The biggest concern is that the version you'll be running software wise is capable of expanding to the resolution you'll be running.

I'm running Milkdrop at 1920 x 1200 on my HD 28" monitor, your tentative build machine specs should be fine, for what you intend to do with it.

However you show no mention of a HDD or OP/SYS, you'll need a large HDD if you plan on any HD video residing on your HDD itself, and depending on the operating system 4G of system memory would be better even for WinXP or Vista 32bit.