Fortnite Battle Royale - Grenade Launcher Tips

Grenades have been around in games for more than a decade, and the good thing is that these tiny balls let you clear out a bunch of enemies together if you throw them right. From Counter-Strike to Call of Duty, all shooter games have grenades or grenade launchers. Similarly, Fortnite Battle Royale also has grenade launchers that is pretty effective. The second thing that I like to use to cause destruction after a rocket launcher is the grenade launcher. Now it is not rocket science to use a grenade launcher, but if you know some of the extra tips about it, then it will give you an edge over someone who just aims and shoots. Therefore, I am going to give you some tips about Grenade Launcher. So without further ado, let’s get started:

Keep Range in mind:
Unlike the rocket launcher, grenade launcher has a matter of range. If you do not keep the specific range of grenade launcher in mind while shooting, you will most likely miss the shots. The sweet spot or optimum range to fire a grenade launcher is 50 meters. If you are within 50 meters, then it is okay but if you are far from 50 meters like 70 or 80 then consider getting a little close.

Fire Carefully in Close Combats:
Just like the Rocket Launchers, the grenade launchers also deal the damage to the player who fires them if he is close. This is because the damage from grenades spreads in a small area and whoever is in the range, it will deal damage to them. So make sure to avoid using grenade launcher in close combats but if you are using them, just jump backwards as soon as you fire a shot.

Fire into the Fort, not on it:
When you are planning to take down a fort with your grenade launcher, it is much better to fire your grenades inside the fort and not on its walls. This way, the players under the fort will take huge damage, and the walls will get weak as well. You can do that by standing at a distance and then aiming very high and above the roof of the fort and then fire the grenade to get it inside through the roof area. Do this for a few time to get better at landing grenades inside the forts.

Use the ramp to reduce Trajectory:
If there is not much distance between you and the base of the enemy, you will not be able to land your grenades correctly because of the trajectory. Therefore, it is always better to get to a height by building ramps. Go at the top of the ram and then fire the grenade inside the base.

When you are using a grenade launcher, make sure to keep the above-mentioned tips in mind. These will help you land better and more accurate grenade shots.