How To Fix Overheating In My Windows Laptop


Windows 10 has come into the limelight for some of the wrong reasons. One major reason was that it caused computers and laptops to overheat and shutdown. This tutorial will show you how to fix the overheating issue on your Windows 10 laptop.

1. Please rule out that your hardware is not at fault. Make sure you’re on the latest BIS revision for your laptop.

2. Make sure you’re on the latest chipset and management engine interface (if Intel’s platform) drivers for your laptop.

3. With the help of thermal monitoring apps like HWMonitor or HWiNFO or Speefan or Realtemp, install and see what your temps are. You should be in the mid 30°C’s (depending on your room’s ambient air temps) at idle after booting into GUI.

4. Open up Resource Monitor and see if you’re usages are higher than normal.

5. Inspect the top and bottom of your laptop’s venting. See if they are more than warm to the touch and if the air blowing out of the vents are equally hot.

6. If your laptop is user serviceable, you can try disassembling your laptop and replace the factory applied thermal paste with a higher grade thermal paste like Arctic Silver 5 or Arctic MX-4.

7. Set your power plan to balanced. You can then click on change plan settings>change advanced power settings and set the maximum processor sate to 75% for both battery and when plugged in.

8. Reboot your laptop and see if that changes the overheating issue.

9. If that doesn’t help, click Start and type regedit.

10. Right click on regedit and run as Administrator.

11. Find the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services>Time Broker
using the left pane as your navigation path.

12. On the right pane, you should see a key labelled as Start.

13. Double clicking on the value will bring up a modification box.

14. Change the value to 4. Click on OK and exit registry Editor.

15. Reboot your laptop.

16. If that doesn’t help, tap Windows key +R. Type msconfig and hit Enter.

17. Click on Service’s tab.

18. To the bottom of the tab, you should see an option Hide all Microsoft services. Uncheck it.

19. Click on Apply and then OK.

20. Reboot the laptop and see if that resolves the issue.

Hopefully by following the above steps, you’ve resolved the issue off overheating on your Windows laptop.