How to Fix Roku TV WIFI Issues

Most prevalent issues concerning connectivity arise from basic things that one can remedy right from home. Below is a brief description and remedies for such issues that might disrupt your connection.
1. Always enter the correct name id for your wireless network. One wrong key alters the entire identity of the network, hence making it incompatible with the password. For those who are not certain of their network's specifications, they are advised to seek help identifying their network specifications.
2. The passwords are specified to be very sensitive to detail. This is in the case of lower cases and different keys present on the keyboard. Mistyping the keys is a common thing and hence one is advised to try the password over and over again minding the specifications.
3. The router may fail from time to time. If a connection is not sustained by one device, you may try connecting to the internet with another device to check whether the router has failed. Restarting the router will remedy this and get you back to your speedy connection.
4. If your ROKU device continually fails while other devices connect to the network successfully, you could remedy this by improving the signal strength of the wireless connection. With distance, so does the signal strength deteriorate? This is due to obstructive factors such as walls, furniture, and other physical elements within the house. By using the tips provided in the ROKU web page, one can successfully remedy the connectivity issue.
5. Most connectivity issues can be remedied by simultaneously restarting the ROKU device as well as the Router. Here is a simple guideline to restarting your ROKU device.

To restart your device, navigate to settings>system>system restart.

Unplugging the device from its power source, waiting for a few minutes, then plugging it back in, is also another quick way to go about it. If you successfully establish a connection between the router and the device, the connection will establish itself successfully.

Most Prevalent Roku Error Codes And Their Remedies
1. Error code 009. This means that even though your device is successfully connected to the router, the internet connection cannot be established.
2. Error code 14. This signals that the connection between the ROKU device and the router was not successful.
3. Error code 17. This means that the ROKU device is picking up limited strength from the network signal. This is basically fixed by adjusting the distance between the device and the router.