Home Button Tutorial for iPhone X

Clearly, iPhone X has no Home button, and all the tasks and actions that were directly or indirectly related to it have been re-assigned to the other available buttons or a combination of buttons.
Although eliminating the Home button from the phone created a significant amount of room for the display screen, some of you may find it challenging to get acquainted with your iPhone X in the absence of the button.
That said, this guide covers the following topics:
[listNum]■Get a virtual Home button
■Customize the appearance of the virtual Home button
■Create a real-like virtual Home button
Get a Virtual Home Button
The good news is, you don’t have to download any third-party app to get a virtual Home button on your iPhone X, and neither do you have to pay anything for that. In fact, getting a virtual Home button is a trick you do by configuring some of your iPhone X’s built-in options in a smart way.
Here’s how:
    Get to the Accessibility window
    Tap Settings > General > Accessibility. This opens the Accessibility window that allows you to customize and personalize your iPhone X to best suit your preferences.



    Get to the AssistiveTouch window
    Tap AssistiveTouch from under the INTERACTION section. This opens the AssistiveTouch window. From here you can configure all the touch related assistance features.

    Enable AssistiveTouch

Tap the AssistiveTouch toggle button. This enable the AssistiveTouch feature on your iPhone X. Once enabled, you can then configure the settings granularly. You can notice the presence of a white circle that came up as you turned on the AssistiveTouch toggle button. This is the AssistiveTouch icon that you’ll use as Virtual Home Button in your iPhone X.

Customize the Appearance of the Virtual Home Button
By default the Virtual Home Button (which is in fact the AssistiveTouch icon) is set to remain 60% transparent when idle. Because of this, sometime it may be hard to locate it, especially when you’re on a window that has bright background.
Here’s how you can decrease the transparency level of the Virtual Home Button:
    Get to the Idle Visibility window
    Tap Idle Opacity. This opens the Idle Visibility window that lets you manage the transparency level of the Virtual Home Button.

    Increase the opacity
    Move the horizontal slider to the right. This increases the opacity level of the Home button. Moving the slider to 100% makes the button always remain visible clear and sharp.

    Get back to the AssistiveTouch window

Tap the Back button from the top-left. This takes you back to the AssistiveTouch window.

Note: Since you’re using the AssistiveTouch icon as Virtual Home Button, you can tap and drag it to different locations of your screen according to your convenience.
Create a Real-Like Virtual Home Button
Because the AssistiveTouch icon is designed for the people who find it hard to touch the screen, you can’t expect it to work as Home button right away. Here’s how you can configure the actions of the icon before it can be used as a real-like Home button on your iPhone X.
    Configure single-tap
    Tap Single-Tap from under the CUSTOM ACTIONS section, and tap None on the next window. This sets the AssistiveTouch icon to do nothing when it is tapped once.


    Note: Tap AssistiveTouch from top-left to get back to the AssistiveTouch window.

    Configure double-tap
    Back on the previous window, tap Double-Tap, and tap Multitasking on the Double-Tap window. This sets the icon to open App Switcher when double-tapped. Optionally, you can tap Double-Tap Timeout from the top, and configure as for how long iPhone X should wait for your second tap before it ignores the first one.


    Configure Long Press
    Back on the previous window, tap Long Press, and tap Siri on the Long Press window. This sets the AssistiveTouch to activate Siri when you tap and hold the icon. Optionally, you can tap Long Press Duration from the top and configure the duration the AssistiveTouch icon should be touched and held before it activates Siri.


    Configure 3D Touch

Back on the previous window, tap 3D Touch, and tap Home on the 3D Touch window. This sets the icon to take you to the Home screen when it is hard pressed.


Note: Any activity assigned to 3D Touch only works when the 3D Touch option is turned on in the Accessibility window.

The above activities assigned to different actions can help you use the AssistiveTouch icon as the real-like Home button. However, if you want, you can configure your preferred activities that suit you best. For example, you can set Reachability on Double-Tap, Home on Single-Tap, etc.