How to Use Mailbox to Reach Inbox Zero

The point of Mailbox is to reach inbox zero. It encourages you to delete, archive, and reschedule your email in order to keep up with it. Here's how you can use Mailbox to stay on top of your email.

Download the App

Download the app first from the App Store if you are using an iOS mobile device and from the Play Store if you are using an Android device.

Delete a Message

To delete a spam message or a message you have already read, simply give it a long or full swipe to the right. Make sure that you won't need the email again because you cannot restore it once deleted.

Archive a Message

If you don't want to delete a message, you can place it in Archive by giving it a short swipe to the right. If you want to read it again, you can search it in your archives until you decide to delete it.

Schedule a Message

Sometimes you can get too busy and you won't be able to read your emails immediately. You can remove it from your inbox to achieve inbox zero. All you need to do is schedule it for you to read at a much later time. The message will return to your inbox at the scheduled time you indicated.

Assign a Message to a List

To help you further organize your messages, you can categorize or assign them in a list. Choose from the default list on Mailbox or create your own category. With that, it is easier to locate a specific message every time you need it.
