How to Upload an Image to Imgur

Imgur is a site where users can upload pictures and share them with others. Users can be post these images to blogs, share them with friends, edit them, view images posted by others and comment on them, and even create their own memes. If you are new to the site, just follow these few simple steps in order to learn how to upload an image to Imgur.

1. Logging on- Open your web browser and enter , click Enter, and wait for the site to load.

2. Signing in- At the top and to the right of the page, you will see an option to sign in to your account. You don’t have to have an account to upload an image, but you will get editing options if you do.

3. Upload images- At the top left of the page, you will see a button that says upload images. Click on upload images.

4. Uploading options- You have 4 options to choose from, being uploading from your own computer, entering a URL for an image already on the web, drag and drop, or pasting from your clipboard.

5. Selection and uploading- Select the images you wish to upload. When finished, click Start Uploading and wait for completion.

6. Finishing and posting- When the upload has finished, you can share, edit, or delete the image.