How to View Snapchat Snaps

Snapchat is a very popular messaging app with photos. What made this messaging app different is that photos were erased a matter of seconds after the recipients viewed them. Photos sent and received are called snaps, and to learn how to view them, just follow these simple instructions.

1. Opening the app- Tap the Snapchat icon on your mobile device to open up the application.

2. Feed page- Your feed page will show you snaps you received and who you received them from. Snaps that have not yet been opened are indicated by a box that is fully filled in.

3. Viewing unopened snaps- To view unopened snaps, tap the snap and hold it. The snap will open up and you will be able to view it.

4. Individual viewing- Viewing individual snaps is done by swiping the sender’s chat screen. This is how to view them individually rather than flipbook style, which is the default viewing if you receive several snapchats from the same person.

5. Flipbook viewing- If multiple snaps are received from the same person, they will be viewed in order and each successive snap is viewed by tapping the screen with a finger.