Increase Font Size in Apps on a Microsoft Surface

Small font sizes can strain your eyes and make your tablet usage considerably less pleasant. Luckily, Microsoft has included an easy way to change the text sizes on their Surface tablets. Go through the steps below to make your font size more readable.

Step 1: To start, you’ll need to open the “Screen Resolution” menu, which is where you will find text size preferences. To do this, swipe from the right side of your Surface screen, and tap the “Search” option at the top of the side bar. Enter “Display” into the search box, and you’ll get a “Settings” option. Select it then tap “Display” to open the necessary menu, which includes options for text size.

Step 2: The text on your Surface will be set at 100% by default. You will also have options to change it to 125% or 150% (and some Surface tablets may even include a 200% option). Select whichever larger text size option you prefer, then tap “Apply” to approve the changes.

Step 3: In order to make the changes take effect, you will have to log out of Windows, and then log back in. Performing this action should give you the bigger text sizes you desire.


Mobile device technology has made substantial leaps and bounds over the past 10 years, including customization options for most facets of your device. If the text on your Surface tablet is too small, don’t feel like you have to make do with it. Instead, use the steps above to take advantage of the customization options provided by Microsoft, and enlarge your text!