Can I Make My iPhone Note down the Dictation for Me?

Your iPhone has a built-in personal assistant named Siri that can also be used to note down dictations. If your hands are busy and you still have something important to note down, you can use Siri to help you with that.

Note: Before you start dictating notes to Siri, ensure that the feature is enabled from the ‘Settings’ section under the ‘Privacy’ category and that Location Services is enabled as well. Also, while dictating the notes to Siri, make sure you speak the words clearly and accurately.

Steps to help you use Siri to take notes in iPhone are as below:

    ■Long press the Power button to switch on your iPhone.
    ■Swipe your figure from left to right to unlock the device.

    ■Long press the Home button until the Siri screen appears asking What can I help you with?

    ■Once Siri is enabled, bring the iPhone close to your mouth, and speak the voice command Take a Note into the mic.

    ■After Siri prepares itself to accept dictation, start dictating your notes on the What would you like the note to say interface.
