it says plug in , not charging 0%

It could be the battery, the charging circuit or the charger.

Try turning it off (not sleep or hibernate but powered off) and then see if it will charge when off. If it will, then it is probably the charger that is your problem. Often when they are going bad, they won't charge when the device is on.

Now if it still won't charge, even when turned off then you are looking at the battery needing replacing or the charging circuit damaged. The second is less likely, so I would try replacing the battery. Should it still not resolve the problem, then have it looked at to see if the charging circuit is damaged.
It could be the battery, the charging circuit or the charger.

Try turning it off (not sleep or hibernate but powered off) and then see if it will charge when off. If it will, then it is probably the charger that is your problem. Often when they are going bad, they won't charge when the device is on.

Now if it still won't charge, even when turned off then you are looking at the battery needing replacing or the charging circuit damaged. The second is less likely, so I would try replacing the battery. Should it still not resolve the problem, then have it looked at to see if the charging circuit is damaged.