Games slow before reset and after reset

Apr 8, 2018
Heya, I have a Lenovo. I've had it for about two-three years, and I recently updated it to the newest Windows update. I barely used it because whenever I played games or watched YouTube videos it lagged a ton. A few weeks back, I decided I wanted to fully reset my computer. As it was beginning its reset, I accidentally fell asleep for three hours. When I woke up, I saw that I still had everything on my computer and a message after logging on that said the reset was unsuccessful.

At this point, I was too tired to care whether or not it fully reset. I mean, I can do it later. That's what I did today. (April 8th, 2018 lol)

I got it to reset fully. I downloaded Steam, Life is Strange from Steam, and Firefox. This is where my problem shows. I played the second episode of Life is Strange. I didn't have much difficulty playing that. In fact, it did better than I thought it would. However, after I finished that, I decided I wanted to try League of Legends for the first time today. When I downloaded it, it lagged just from the animated screen and music. I deleted it afterward.

Now, I'm currently sitting on my bed with Minecraft fully downloaded and pulled up on my screen. It's seriously laggy. I highly doubt I can play.

I'm sorry, this is super long. Here's a summary.
I've resetted my Lenovo I've had for about three years twice. It's been barely used because of the lag. The first reset was unsuccessful, but after fully resetting it it's improved a small bit in only one game (Life is Strange). League of Legends was laggy just from the animated screen and music. Minecraft isn't doing a good job either.

Here's the questions I'm wanting answered:

Do I need a new computer? Do I need to do something specific?

Thank you,
-a girl who just wants a functional computer
Connect your computer to the wall ac adapter to make sure the update process will not be interrupted, connect it to the internet and allow automatic windows update (system preferences), let it download the updates available and apply them without interrupting it, and see how things will go.


Dec 27, 2012
What is your lenovo laptop model number and if possible it's hardware configuration ( you know graphic card. processor, memory amount and type, hard drive (or SSD) ?
Apr 8, 2018
Hi, R0GG! Thanks for replying! :))
I'm honestly not sure what the model number is..I'm not really in the computer department, but I believe it is a B50-45 from this sticker on the back. As for its hardware configuration, I'm not too sure on that either. I hope this helps!


Apr 4, 2017
you don't "need" a new computer for every little problems, actually it depends on the hardware and the standards at this time. As for games being "slow" i assume you are having fps issue, this might be because of windows 10 newest update feature "gaming" settings with aim of making gaming better for windows. However it makes gaming much worse. You need to disable or uninstall all the "features" that the update has brought which conflicts your game performance. Alternatively you can just uninstall and revert back to old windows 10 (update 1609) like i did which fixed my performance.


Apr 4, 2017
If you want to revert back to previous updates go to windows settings (Win key+ "i") and then go to update settings, and then recovery tab and the press "get started" under "go back to an earlier bulid".
Apr 8, 2018
Okay, I'm having an issue.
I followed Seyed22Shaheen 's instructions.

I pulled up the settings to see that apparently my computer WASNT up to date. This is weird in my opinion because after resetting it, Cortana basically told me my computer was being updated to the recent version after setting everything up. Alright, so, this would mean the cause of my games being slow wouldn't be the recent Windows 10 update, right? Am I thinking this thoroughly?

After this, I decided I was still going to follow your instructions and go back to the previous version just in case. I was confused with the last step, so I ended up going to the advanced options. I had two choices: reset my PC (again) or look into the advanced options. In other words, I was looking into this blindly. I found myself clicking on "Go back to the previous version" and received the following:

"We ran into a problem and won't be able to take you back to the previous version of Windows. Try resetting your PC instead. (Troubleshoot > Reset this PC)


I should have listened to you, of course, but I was seriously confused. I think I found it, though. Is this right?
-girl who is confused on what just happened


Apr 4, 2017

I think your updates haven't installed properly (might have installed partially) that's why it is showing a lower version. Can you tell me which version of windows 10 are you running if it is 1709 then your computer is up to date(you can check by press ing windows key+r and typing "winver" and pressing enter). There are different types of updates from windows maybe the new updates you are getting are security or driver updates and not windows 10 feature updates. As for the last error ""We ran into a problem and won't be able to take you back to the previous version of Windows. Try resetting your PC instead. (Troubleshoot > Reset this PC)" you are getting this because you have reset your PC which will erase the previous updates. I am assuming that you have hard reset? (All the files are erased and settings are back to factory). I am sorry if this is confusing and i don't want to make this post any longer (in words) to avoid confusion.
Apr 8, 2018
Hey, Seyed22Shaheen ! Sorry for the absence! I've been busy! :))

I'm looking around, and I don't know where to find the update I have.
But I am seeing this Defender Antivirus update having errors on installing.


Dec 27, 2012
Connect your computer to the wall ac adapter to make sure the update process will not be interrupted, connect it to the internet and allow automatic windows update (system preferences), let it download the updates available and apply them without interrupting it, and see how things will go.


Apr 4, 2017

Try the steps by ROGG, if that does not help then you try reverting back to older windows 10 (Windows 10 1609) or Older Windows (Windows 8 or Windows 7)