I Have the old Bose 3-2-1 system with all RCA and no HDMI input outputs there is the problem

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Mar 9, 2018
What can be used to convert my Samsung QFAM7 with one connect HDMI & OPTICAL IN? My old Bose 3-2-1 has on optical port but is not reading my QLED one connect.
Jul 26, 2018
I have same problem. I have a new LG tv with HDMI ports and digital optical and video in (yellow) connection. I couldn't get picture from boe only audio. SoI bought a blue ray DVR to watch videos only to have picture and no sound. I have digital optical from tv plugged into Bose, ordered a 4 prong cable CA-C3AV plugged speaker end into tv and hooked up yellow ,red , and white to video out on Bose. Solved problem. Hope this helps some to be able to enjoy the quality of Bose!
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