UPGRADING vRAM from 384-512MB

Plus, the more system RAM you allocate to graphics, the less there will be available for Windows & applications, so unless you have at least 8GB RAM installed, it's not a wise thing to do because overall performance will suffer.

Next time you buy a laptop, make sure it has dual GPUs (ie Intel graphics + a discrete graphics card which has it's own dedicated VRAM). Preferably not an HP laptop either as their reliability is not great.
Plus, the more system RAM you allocate to graphics, the less there will be available for Windows & applications, so unless you have at least 8GB RAM installed, it's not a wise thing to do because overall performance will suffer.

Next time you buy a laptop, make sure it has dual GPUs (ie Intel graphics + a discrete graphics card which has it's own dedicated VRAM). Preferably not an HP laptop either as their reliability is not great.