AV to HDMI Converter No signal?


Jul 12, 2017
Hiya Folks,

I have this issue with an AV to HDMI converter/upscaler, made by enKo products. The issue revolves around the device being plugged in to the TV via HDMI, hooked up to various devices that use AV, such as the older Nintendo consoles, but stating 'No Signal'. The converter should give me a picture on one of the HDMI channels, but... it doesn't. It just keeps showing me a 'No Signal' message instead of a blue screen that the device should show by default when idle (the converter).

Now, as weird as this is, I know the setup isn't wrong or out of place. "Why?", you might ask. Well, that's because I tried the same setup on another HD tv, but it worked smoothly there.

So. The TV that isn't working is a Philips 54 (?) inch television, while the other one is from the same brand (Philips), but way smaller.
Here's the converter in question: http://enkoproducts.com/product/enko-products-av-rca-cvbs-composite-to-hdmi-converter/

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or the TV has compatibility issues, which seems like that shouldn't be the matter. Maybe some settings are out of place? I'm not sure, but I'm at a loss here. I hope you can help me!

Edit: Forgot to mention that other devices, such as Nvidia SHIELD and a Nintendo Switch do actually work, just not this device.

The no signal message is from the TV not the converter.
Did you try a different HDMI cable?
It's actually possible that a cable that works on one TV will not work on another. HDMI depends on the all parts of the signal chain to meet minimum specs. Some will exceed them, some won't meet those at all and some will just barely. If you have more than one that just barely meets specs they might not work together.
Did you try a different HDMI Input?
They are all supposed to be the same but I have found for instance that a source and a particular brand of HDMI cable won't work in input 1 but worked fine on input 2.


Jul 12, 2017

Hi! Thank you for replying. I've been trying different HDMI cables in different HDMI ports as you've advised, but sadly there's no result. I've tried three different cables on all the HDMI ports of the television, connected to the converter, but the 'No signal' message remains. Other devices seem to perform as they should when connected to the different HDMI channels.

Sadly, no luck here.