Macbook Pro 13" 2015 vs 2016 non-touch - Comparable CPU performance?


Jan 1, 2017
Hi everyone, looking to buy a Macbook pro. I do some basic programming and office stuff, along with very basic Blender and photo editing.
I'm trying to compare the 2015 and 2016 non-retina model. For both I'm configuring to 16GB and 256 GB RAM and SSD respectively. Im leaning towards the 2015 model due to the IOs and just personal preference.
I want to comfortably use this machine for a few years (>3), so wanted to upgrade the processor on the 2015 model. At the same price point, I can get a 5287U on the 2015, and 6360U on the 2016.
Will I get similar performance on both of these? Are there any other considerations I should make? I am just a little nervous with spending a large amount of money on an old system.
The CPU in the 2015 model is considerably faster. The new one is just more energy efficient. Unfortunately Apple in their wisdom greatly reduced the capacity of the battery (74.9Wh 2015 vs 54.5 Wh 2016). So the old model has better battery life. Unless you need Thunderbolt 3 and/or USB 3.1. I'd buy the 2015 model. It is a better value. Apple purposefully gutted the CPU on the non-Touch model to upsell the Touch Model.


Jan 1, 2017

Judging from the benchmarks and the general specifications, it seems that the upgraded 5287U matches the performance of the 6360U roughly. The only noticeable difference I see is that the L3 cache on the 6360U is 4 MB. The thing I'm hearing is that I will get a lot more performance out of the 2016 CPUs, but I can't find the benchmarks or the numbers to back this up. Just am very confused about it all.
In addition, do you think I should be considering the 5557U CPU? My tasks aren't super demanding, just things like Matlab, Autocad, basic 3d rendering, etc.

