Macbook Pro Creaking??

Trent Howell

Jul 15, 2015
I just recently bought a Macbook Mid-2012 Non-Retina laptop on Craigslist and it is in amazing condition except the awful creaking noise that comes from it. it appears to look like a hinge problem because when I push on the hinge it makes a low creaking sound. I called Apple and they told me to bring it in and it would cost some $. Any ideas? If it is only cosmetic I won't really care but wanted to know if it were harmful. Video of sound below

Robert Cook

Dec 15, 2014
hmm the hinges are probably damaged from an impact or poor treatment. ideally you can get to them through the bottom of the laptop. you could try using some silicone spray (mind the motherboard, that stuff is all slippery and could make a mess) but based on the sharp creak, there could be a bend in the hing system. see what apple wants for repair. I have dealt with apple a\many times, and I have to say, they will never just do something without your consent. I brought a macbook with what I knew to be either a damaged motherboard or HDD ( someone had stepped on it while it was open) and I was unable to verify whether the board was just toast, or the hard drive was the issue, as it would boot, but never load the OS. They managed to get it into diagnostic mode ( refused to launch for me) through their magic Ethernet cable thing and verified that it was the HDD. this did not cost me anything other than 30 minutes, and when they told me it was the drive and I told them I would fix it they did not push that they do it. long story short, they will tell you what is the issue for free, and they will only repair it if you tell them to.

Trent Howell

Jul 15, 2015
Thanks for the reply. Apple store is a good 25 minutes from me and a hassle for me. I believe it was from poor treatment but it kinda threw me off because it doesn't even have a scratch in it. I tightened the screws at the bottom of the Macbook and it is still stiff but doesn't make as much of a sound if any. I will keep you posted.

Trent Howell

Jul 15, 2015
I tightened the screws on the bottom of the macbook and it tightened the hinge but still creaked. then loosened them a little and as of this morning no creaking. I think I am just going to have to deal with the noise if it were to come back and hope it effects nothing. If there are any updates I will fill you in :)