New Laptop being very noisy, want to know why.


Aug 16, 2016
My laptop is a fairly new

I am running it on windows 10

It Constantly makes a sort of kinda quiet grinding type noise which is very noticeable and annoying constantly. The only time its not making this noise is when I am playing a game and the fans are going, they might just be masking the sound but it seems like it is gone altogether. My cpu is never on a high percentage and this noise persists with no programs running.
A lot of the time there is also a quite loud whine which goes for about 5 seconds before stopping and starting again.

Recording ( low quality but through the white noise the noise I am referring to can be heard. )

Just hoping there is anything I can do to lessen noise or at least to identify what it is so i dont need to ever worry about it. It is really annoying to me because I basically cant use this laptop without headphones or some other kind of noise without it annoying me and giving me a headache. Not sure what else to say but any information you need I can respond with. Thank you all!


Aug 16, 2016

Actually hopefully it is my hard drive, I was probably going to put an ssd in anyways as there is a slot, thanks!