Laptop display colour is negative and dark


Mar 2, 2016
A few days ago after I traveled a bit I came home and when I turned on my Asus K53U the screen colour was negative and darker than usual, but the darker part is not like I reduced brightness, it is different.

I googled a bit and I found out that I can use Magnifier to turn colour inversion on, so because my screen colour was already inverted I got my normal colour back.

So I ''fixed'' negative colour issue, but still my screen is dark and because of that pictures and videos are unwatchable, and whole laptop usage experiance is quite bad.

I uploaded 2 pictures(brigthness 100%) so you have a clue what am I talking about. First one is with Magnifier on and the second one is with Magnifier colour inversion off:

When I take a screenshot and view it from another device everything is normal, so I guess its hardware rather then software problem.

If anyone has a slightest idea what's wrong with my laptop I would really appreciate it, thanks in advance!

Do run some test with the LCD first if it's faulty or not.
- First, connect an external monitor and see if the same problem will persist or not.
- If the same problem will persist on the external display that means it's a problem with the graphics card.
- If the screen will be normal that means it's the problem with the display itself only.
- Try to check if the ribbon cable that connects the LCD to the motherboard is seated properly.
- If these doesn't work the solution would be to replace the LCD.