Problem booting my vista laptop


Jan 14, 2016
Hi I was running check disk and it got stuck up. so I had turned off and then rebooted to last known configuration. then after sometime i restarted the laptop and now I am not able to get in. It keeps on recycling from gateway logo to trying to load and then back to gateway logo. I have tried to boot in safe mode and all the possible options but no luck. when trying to load in safeboot mode it dies at loaded:\windows\system32\drivers\crcdisk.sys. Now even last know configuration option does not load. when put not to reboot mode it gives message as edit windows option path \windows\system32\winload.exe
Partition 2

also i tried booting my laptop from repair disk but as my laptop does not recognise dvd drive it is not working. Please help. It looks like it is trying to load from recovery drive and that is corrupt. How do I change it back to primay c drive?



That is not what is happening, what is happening is that it's trying to boot to your Windows setup, but can't...
That is a sign of a bad disk. You need to replace it and install Windows on the new drive. Removing this drive and using an external USB enclosure to read it may enable you to get your files and settings from it, but it may be far enough gone that it won't read properly.


Jan 14, 2016

Thanks man but I don't want to loose the data. bacically I am trying this:
It was not recognising my dvd drive and also it was running slow so thought to run chk dsk. but somehow it got stuck. I had to turn if off and when turned ON it will not boot. I tried all the option from f8 and none of them are working. when trying to run in safe mode it is stuck at loaded:\windows\system32\drivers\crcdisk.sys
I tried to run easyrs from cd or usb but no avail. so I tried to do alt f10 to get into the reinstallation but that is stuck atpxe-
e61: media test failure check cable
pxe-m0f exiting pxe rom
Operating system not found.
my dvd/cd drive is not working and also usb ports. I think that when it tries to load the operating system instead of going to C:\ drive it goes to D:\ recovery partition and that is corrupt. How do I get the system to know back C:\drive?


OK, you just added a bunch of other info, you said your USB and DVD drive is also not working? Did you check the connections in the system? If you have many things that don't work it may be a motherboard issue. Try resetting the BIOS to defaults.

You won't lose data by removing your hard drive, the whole point of that is to be able to copy it over to the new drive. You first need to make sure it's the drive that's bad though, you seem to have more issues than just what you said in your first post.


Jan 14, 2016

thanks hang-the-9 i will have to check it out.


Jan 14, 2016

thanks man, but as i said before somehow the boot drive has changed to corrupt d drive and not c drive.

That is not what is happening, what is happening is that it's trying to boot to your Windows setup, but can't. From what you said is going on, the hard drive is bad, that will cause issues with not just loading Windows but also trying to use the recovery partition. You may just have a corrupt file system due to the fact that it got stuck at a checkdisk and was shut off, but the fact that you can't get to the restore partition with a media error shows that the drive is bad. I'm sure once you replace the hard drive and use a Windows disk or USB drive to setup Windows again the system will be fine.