What is the best camera under $400?

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Aug 2, 2014
Hello everybody I need help buying a camera. What is the best camera under $400? I want to buy a camera for vlogging and taking pictures. I want a camera with a tilted screen or articulated LCD so that I can see myself in the shot like a selfie. I want a camera with good low light performance, records 1080p 60fps, and that costs $400 and under. I already looked at other cameras like the Sony WX500, Sony HX90V, Nikon P610, Nikon S9900, and Panasonic FZ200. They are not good cameras from what I hear when it comes to low light and image quality. I am looking for a camera that does not have a lot of noise in low light. I don't like a lot of noise in low light. Is there a better camera out there than the Sony WX500, Sony HX90V, Nikon P610, Panasonic FZ200, and the Nikon S9900?


Lumix (Panasonic) make the best lenses in the world. The FZ series is actually better than most of the higher priced Canon or Nikons, who put a lot of stock in their brand name. I have a DMC-FZ47 and have 0 complaints. It's got the longest digital zoom of any camera in its class, takes outstandingly clear photos at any zoom, physical or digital, has no low light problems like my Nikon One and is quite user friendly. So much so that my wife uses it far more than I do, and the tv remote confuses her.

Don't reply to this thread, the mods have already been informed that is is a copy of http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2889870/camera-buy.html


Aug 2, 2014

I just wanted to make a brand new clean thread with new title. What's wrong with that?

1) There is no need, there are only 20 posts there, far from unmanageable. On top of that the posts were all on-topic (for the most part), so even if they didn't "answer" your question, they were solutions to it.
2) Without clearly explaining that this is a continuation of that thread and linking to it, it's no different than a duplicate post or bumping.
3) By duplicating the thread without terminating the old one, it's disruptive of the flow of the forum, since people can still comment on the old one and new people will ignore answers already posted in that thread.

Just ask a mod to delete this thread so that you can have proper responses in the old one.
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