Laptop tries to boot but wont. Fans cycle on and off continuously.


Nov 16, 2015
My laptop wont fully start. It tries and the fans come on, but then they shut off and keep cycling. They cycle on and off every 2 seconds or so and the computer will never boot. It's done this about a week now and once in awhile it goes ahead and boots and runs fine. But once it shuts down, it goes through this again. I've unhooked all speakers, etc and tried with and without the power supply connected. Lately it won't boot at all, but fans still cycle on and off.

Please do try these other troubleshooting steps that may help.
- Remove the battery off the laptop first and just use it with the AC adapter.
- If the problem will persist with just the AC adapter connected try and test the charger first if it's supplying enough voltage required by the laptop or better yet try another charger that has the same voltage.
- Again if the same problem persist it may be caused by a hardware failure.
- Reseat the RAM, take them off for couple of seconds then put them back in making sure that they are seated properly.
- If all these doesn't work I would suggest contacting the manufacturer for a repair if it's still covered by the factory warranty.