game zero headset has static and need help with best gaming setup


Oct 5, 2015
i bought a pair of game zeros and i plugged them into my astro mixamp pro and when i turn up the volume it get static and its not turned up all the way. I was wondering if i needed to add something or fix something that would make the headset work porperly.

i just disconnected it from the mixamp and plugged it into the front of the pc and even with the volume all the way down there it static ....tho its not much its still there and i heard some talk about dacs and amps and wasnt to clear on whether i needed one

the first thing to check would be on another device to verify if you hear static only from the pc or from all devices. i would guess it will occur only on the pc but do check. hook the mixamp up to another device as well to check. also note if it is a constant static or the music itself sounds grainy and static-y



Oct 5, 2015

yes i think its the mixamp and not the headphones ....i am getting a mayflower combo tomorrow and i think with the dac it will produce virtually no noise when the volume is turned down. Im also getting the ad700x so im going to see which one is better.



Oct 5, 2015

ok so i should return the game zeros probably and keep the ad700x?

and also concerning the mic .....what should i do about the ad700x..... unidirectional modmic??
well, give a test ad700x vs the zeros to see what you prefer yourself (you might like the laid back nature of sennheisers). if you sort of prefer the sennheisers then the game one (or hd518/558/598 lineup of headphone) might be more your thing. i would prefer you to listen to judge for yourself.

as for a microphone.. the unidirectional modmic would be a good choice if you wanted a boom style microphone.