Broken Laptop Screen


Sep 21, 2015
So, I "recently" broke my Asus X550J laptop screen by accidentally dropping my mouse on it. The crack is super tiny, but it made my screen white with a super small black line go across the screen. When I rebooted the laptop, it didn't even turn on. It just sat at a black screen. I took it to a local repair shop, and he said it might have something to do with the GPU, but I have my doubts.

He called Asus, and said they'd fix it because it was under warranty. But, 4 weeks later, he gets it back with Asus saying they voided the warranty and all they found was the microcrack on the screen.

I am perfectly fine with paying for a new screen, and whatever else. However, i'm not sure if it's the GPU and Screen or not, because the guy hasn't even opened it up to see if the GPU is the problem. Is there a possibility that the GPU is broken? Or is it just the screen.

> I don't have the laptop on me for it is still at the repair shop, and the shop is closed right now. Based on the description I gave, do you think it's the GPU or just the screen? It's all I want to know.


ok you'll need a monitor to find out for sure.
step 1 find a monitor
step 2 plug it into the aux video port on the laptop
step 3 turn on laptop
step 4 press the Fn key and whichever Function key enables aux video output

if monitor turns on and you can run the system on the external it is just the screen
if the monitor does not enable and stays black then the video processor may be at fault.